Fourteen Las Vegas casinos are either close to the Las Vegas Strip or attract more visitors than locals. Many of these Off-Strip properties offer a substantial value compared to casinos on the Strip. Silver Sevens is also in this group. However, it only has hybrid live-dealer tables and electronic table games.
While we walk through at least six Las Vegas Strip Casinos every month, we visit Off-Strip properties once or twice a year. Most recently we walked through all these properties in September. As we walk through these casinos, we note the available live and electronic table game selection and minimum bet requirements. The detailed information we find is available through a membership subscription.
Our paid membership covers the live and electronic table games found on and near the Las Vegas Strip, listed by casino. Pages cover games available and minimum bet requirements. Side bets are included for live craps and electronic table games. Our favorite video poker games at each property are also listed.
Publishers of other websites are permitted to use our data within reasonable limits. However, a backlink to Vegas Advantage is required under our terms of use.
Types of blackjack games available near the Las Vegas Strip
Blackjack guides are sorted into three groups: Strip properties, casinos downtown, and Off-Strip and locals locations. Hybrid blackjack tables are also listed in these guides.
3:2 Double-deck
9 casinos
$10-100 minimums
3:2 Six- & Eight-deck
12 casinos
$5-100 minimums
6:5 Single deck
4 casinos
$10-25 minimums
6:5 Double-deck
2 casinos
$10-15 minimums
6:5 Six- & Eight-deck
6 casinos
$5-15 minimums
3 Blackjack Variants
8 casinos
$10-15 minimums
Even Money Six-deck
1 casino
$1 minimum
Twelve different live table games are found in Off-Strip casinos
9 casinos
$10-100 minimums
Crapless Craps
4 casinos
$5-15 minimum
13 casinos
$5-15 minimums
Crazy 4 Poker
1 casino
$15 minimum
Heads Up Hold’em
2 casinos
$5 minimum
High Card Flush
2 casinos
$5-15 minimums
Pai Gow Poker
(Emperor’s Challenge
Exposed and Face Up)
10 casinos
$10-25 minimums
Pai Gow Tiles
1 casino
$50 minimum
00 Roulette
13 casinos
$3-15 minimums
000 Roulette
2 casinos
$15 minimums
Three Card Poker
10 casinos
$5-10 minimums
Ultimate Texas Hold’em
8 casinos
$5-10 minimums
In addition to live table games, hybrid craps and roulette games are available at some properties. These games typically have lower limits than their live counterparts.
Casino spotlight pages for Off-Strip casinos
Casino Club pages are available for 12 of the 14 Off-Strip casino properties. Regardless, all live and hybrid table game information is listed on blackjack and table game survey pages. Additionally, there are three pages covering electronic table games: heads-up, multiplayer, and stadiums.
Ellis Island (Last visit September 30, 2024)
- 3:2 blackjack tables
- 2 non-blackjack table games
- $5-25 minimums
Blackjack players are permitted to double down before and after splitting, and re-split aces.
One heads-up electronic table game is available near the table game pit.
There is also a sportsbook counter.

Gold Coast (Last visit September 24, 2024)

- 3:2 and 6:5 blackjack games
- Free Money Blackjack
- 6 non-blackjack table games
- $3-50 minimums
At blackjack tables, the dealer hits a soft 17 and players are allowed to double down before and after splitting.
Available electronic table game options include a live dealer stadium, three heads-up games, and a multiplayer machine.
Gold Coast also has a race and sportsbook, a keno lounge, and a bingo room.
M Resort (Last visit September 30, 2024)
- 3:2 blackjack tables
- Free Bet Blackjack
- 8 non-blackjack table games
- $5-50 minimums
Blackjack players are permitted to double down before and after splitting.
Five electronic table games are offered on an Interblock stadium. There is also a multiplayer roulette machine.
There is also a sportsbook at M Resort.

Mohegan Casino at Virgin Hotels (Last visit September 30, 2024)

- 3:2 blackjack games
- Free Bet Blackjack
- 5 non-blackjack table games
- $10-100 minimums
Four electronic table games are available on the heads-up Casino Wizard machines. Other options include a Quartz stadium with three games and multiplayer roulette.
There is also a BetFred Sportsbook.
Orleans (Last visit September 24, 2024)
- 3:2 and 6:5 blackjack tables
- 7 non-blackjack table games
- $5-25 minimums
The Orleans offers a large selection of electronic table games, including an Interblock stadium, heads-up games, and two multiplayer machines. There are six different games available.
Additionally, there is a 35-table poker room, live keno, and a race and sportsbook.

Oyo (Last visit September 30, 2024)

- 3:2, 6:5, and even-money blackjack
- 2 non-blackjack table games
- $1-10 minimums
All blackjack games at Oyo permit players to double down before and after splitting.
Heads-up electronic table game options are available on Casino Wizards and a few Interblock machines. There is also a multiplayer roulette machine.
A William Hill Sportsbook is inside the casino.
Palace Station (Last visit September 24, 2024)
- 3:2 and 6:5 blackjack tables
- Free Bet Blackjack
- 7 non-blackjack table games
- $5-100 minimums
Doubling down before and after splitting is permitted at all blackjack tables.
Electronic table game options include live dealer stadiums, a multiplayer machine, and three heads-up games.
Players will also find a race and sportsbook, live keno, and a bingo room. Station Casinos sponsored our 21st anniversary last year.

Palms (Last visit September 24, 2024)

- 3:2 and 6:5 blackjack games
- Free Bet Blackjack
- Free Bonus Blackjack
- 6 non-blackjack table games
- $15-100 minimums
Heads-up and multiplayer machines offer a selection of five electronic table game titles.
There is also a William Hill Sportsbook.
Rio (Last visit September 24, 2024)
- 3:2 and 6:5 blackjack tables
- Free Bet Blackjack
- 9 non-blackjack table games
- $10-25 minimums
Nine electronic table game titles are available among all the electronic table game options at Rio. This includes a new multigame stadium, two heads-up games, and a multiplayer machine.
Rio also has a William Hill Race & Sportsbook.

Silver Sevens (Last visit September 30, 2024)
Silver Seven does not have its own Casino Profile page. Additionally, it no longer deals traditional live table games. Information about hybrid and electronic table game options is listed on the appropriate survey pages.

- 3:2 and 6:5 hybrid blackjack
- 2 hybrid non-blackjack games
- $5 minimums
Three electronic table game titles are offered in the form of two heads-up games and a multiplayer machine.
There is also a William Hill race and sportsbook.
Silverton (Last visit September 30, 2024)
- 3:2 and 6:5 blackjack tables
- Free Bet Blackjack
- 7 non-blackjack table games
- $5-15 minimums
Silverton has heads-up Casino Wizard and Interblock games, and a multiplayer machine. Five different game titles are available.
It has a Circa Sports sportsbook and is connected to a Bass Pro Shop.

South Point (Last visit September 30, 2024)

- 3:2 blackjack tables
- 6 non-blackjack table games
- $5-10 minimums
Blackjack hits a soft 17 and allows doubling down before and after splitting.
There is a Casino Wizard VIP with seven options, two heads-up Interblock games, and one multiplayer machine.
South Point is also home to a poker room, sportsbook, racebook, and bingo room.
Tuscany (Last visit September 30, 2024)
While Tuscany once again deals live tables, there is no casino profile page available. However, members can find table game information on respective game pages.
- 3: 2 blackjack tables
- Free Bet Blackjack
- 2 non-blackjack games
- $5-10 minimums
There is also one heads-up and one multiplayer electronic table game option.
Additionally, there is a Circa Sports counter.

Westgate (Last visit September 30, 2024)

- 3:2 and 6:5 blackjack tables
- 8 non-blackjack table games
- $10-100 minimums
Blackjack games permit doubling down before and after splitting.
Three multiplayer electronic table games are also available near the table game pit.
There is also a poker room and a SuperBook Sportsbook at Westgate.