Variations of Roulette: Why Are There Different Varieties?
Many types of roulette are offered in Las Vegas and other markets. Find out the different ways to play one of the most popular table games.
Many types of roulette are offered in Las Vegas and other markets. Find out the different ways to play one of the most popular table games.
Buffalo Bill’s in Primm removed all live table games. Hybrid ones replaced these games. No Primm casinos have live table games.
Golden Nugget added Face Up Blackjack to its pit. The game requires a $2 side bet, making it the third-worst Las Vegas blackjack game.
The Alamo truck stop no longer deals live blackjack games. That leaves 70 casinos in the market with table games after 14 pits closed since 2020.
Roulette Xtra is a new game at Venetian. Contrary to what an influencer thinks, this game is nothing like the house edge of quadruple zero roulette.
Pass Casino in downtown Henderson removed all table games from the floor this week. There are no live table games left in the area.
Every Las Vegas Strip casino has 6/5 blackjack tables. The casinos listed have no real 3/2 blackjack tables on the floor. Only high limit games pay 3/2.
While Las Vegas minimums increase, some casinos continue to offer value table games. We list the cheapest table game minimums in the market.
The Las Vegas Strip is home to some of the most expensive casinos for gambling. This article discusses where the table game minimum bets are the highest.
3 Shot Poker is the newest Las Vegas table game. It is dealt at Harrah’s and Flamingo. Read about the rules and strategy here.